I would have her sucking my cock, balls, and licking my ass before I leave in the morning and as I walk back in at the end of the day. She better be on her knees when I walk in the door in the evening. Cleaning off my sweaty cock, balls and licking my ass. Drain my balls in her mouth as she looks up at me waiting for my approval that she was doing a good job as the sub slut she is. I need to find a sub slut like her where I live. Does she have a sub sis by chance? I love how she watches the camera as she is licking your ass. She was taught well how to service a man. Whomever did that needs to be thanked. She's soooo dedicated and so nice she should offer to do you a mouth service like that at least twice a day. What a great friend she is to spend long hours tonguing and tasting your butt hole so good. She deserves it. Dribbled some cum on this one, i would smash her pretty face up ur ass til she couldnt breath then id jack off on her face,ur ass and balss then make her do a good clean up! Maybe she needs to have a guy spit all over her face, then sit on it and rub his ass and balls until her whore's face would be a mess of saliva and ball smell.
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